Tuesday, September 6, 2011

About me...

Hey! So, as you can see, my name is Emily O'Donnell. I am a 20-year-old Senior at Quinnipiac University, majoring in Marketing and minoring in Interactive Digital Design. I am from Westchester, New York. I love the art of fashion, and yes, you guessed it - I love to shop! Also, I really enjoy traveling, especially since my experience studying abroad in London, from where I also traveled to Spain, Italy, Ireland, France, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. I like baking, scrap-booking, and many other crafts. Through the couple of IDD classes I have taken so far, I find myself very interested in design. I like the creative side of business so I hope that having IDD as a minor will put me where I want to be when I graduate (somewhere in creative marketing). I am excited to learn about typography and graphic design and I think the skills and knowledge I get from this class will build my ability to effectively choose fonts, understand lettering and text, and much more.